New Hugging Face Vulnerability Exposes AI Models to Supply Chain Attacks

New Hugging Face Vulnerability Exposes AI Models to Supply Chain Attacks

Cybersecurity researchers have found that it’s possible to compromise the Hugging Face Safetensors conversion service to ultimately hijack the models submitted by users and result in supply chain attacks.

“It’s possible to send malicious pull requests with attacker-controlled data from the Hugging Face service to any repository on the platform, as well as hijack any models that are submitted through the conversion service,” HiddenLayer said in a report published last week.

Safetensors is a format devised by the company to store tensors keeping security in mind, as opposed to pickles, which has been likely weaponized by threat actors to execute arbitrary code and deploy Cobalt Strike, Mythic, and Metasploit stagers.

It also comes with a conversion service that enables users to convert any PyTorch model (i.e., pickle) to its Safetensor equivalent via a pull request.

HiddenLayer’s analysis of this module found that it’s hypothetically possible for an attacker to hijack the hosted conversion service using a malicious PyTorch binary and compromise the system hosting it.

“An attacker could gain a foothold into the container running the service and compromise any model converted by the service.”

The development comes a little over a month after Trail of Bits disclosed LeftoverLocals (CVE-2023-4969, CVSS score: 6.5), a vulnerability that allows recovery of data from Apple, Qualcomm, AMD, and Imagination general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs).

The memory leak flaw, which stems from a failure to adequately isolate process memory, enables a local attacker to read memory from other processes, including another user’s interactive session with a large language model (LLM).

