New macOS Backdoor Threat from North Korean Hackers

New macOS Backdoor Threat from North Korean Hackers

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new Apple macOS backdoor called SpectralBlur that overlaps with a known malware family that has been attributed to North Korean threat actors.

“SpectralBlur is a moderately capable backdoor that can upload/download files, run a shell, update its configuration, delete files, hibernate, or sleep, based on commands issued from the [command-and-control server],” security researcher Greg Lesnewich said.

The malware shares similarities with KANDYKORN (aka SockRacket), an advanced implant that functions as a remote access trojan capable of taking control of a compromised host.

In recent months, the threat actor has been observed combining disparate pieces of these two infection chains, leveraging RustBucket droppers to deliver KANDYKORN.

The functional similarities between KANDYKORN and SpectralBlur have raised the possibility that they may have been built by different developers keeping the same requirements in mind.

What makes the malware stand out are its attempts to hinder analysis and evade detection while using grantpt to set up a pseudo-terminal and execute shell commands received from the C2 server.

The disclosure comes as a total of 21 new malware families designed to target macOS systems, including ransomware, information stealers, remote access trojans, and nation-state-backed malware, were discovered in 2023, up from 13 identified in 2022.

